Monday, 11 June 2018

Monday 11th June

Above: On Saturday The Royal Household Cavalry pass Hyde Park Corner on a busy day that saw
the Annual Trooping of The Colours, sometimes referred to as The Queen's Birthday
Parade which took place at London's Horse Guards Parade.
Amazingly The Queen has not missed this annual event since she first attended
in 1953, Her Coronation year, although there was a gap of one year back in 1955
when there was apparently a National Rail strike.
Having recently turned 92 on her official Birthday in April, The Queen and
the rest of The Royal Family gathered later on the balcony of Buckingham Palace to
 watch the RAF Flypast with The Red Arrows.
Although the media was speculating the absence of Prince Philip who turned 97 yesterday.

Below London's naked bike riders take off at Marble Arch for the annual London
Naked Bike Ride. Thankfully the weather held out for a day that saw a huge turnout.


  1. The Queen honoured Emma Thompson with a Dame hood. Good for her.
    A naked bike ride is something I have no desire to see unless the male riders are between 18 and 20. - Ian

  2. It must be Awards time again. Good for Emma. Not sure why D. Beckham thinks that they keep
    leaving him out of the Knighthood award. What has he ever done to deserve one. Mind you they
    do seem to be giving them out for trivial things these days. It was Tony Blair that started
    dishing out Honours for cash to The Labour Party.

    We know, You'd prefer to see a Naked Teen Bike Ride. And wouldn't we all. We live in such
    a contradictory world. Then you'd really see huge crowds out on the Streets.


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