passed away yesterday peacefully with Princess Anne and Prince Charles by her bedside.
Of course we were all pre warned with the news on the day before when it was announced
that the Queen was poorly and that medical supervision was taking place at Balmoral. And
all this just a couple of days after The Queen carried out her final Constitutional act with her
meetings with the outgoing and incoming new Prime Minister.
And yet you do imagine that considering The Queen's poor health all this week that perhaps
Palace staff probably tried to talk her out of that final Constitutional task.
The Palace staff have been under great scrutiny these last few months by various media outlets,
accusing the Palace staff of playing down The Queen's failing health. Apparently they denied
that The Queen had a fall recently when it was noticed that upon meeting Liz Truss the new
Prime Minister, that The Queen had a blackened and bruised hand, but chose not to opt for her
normally preferred white greeting gloves.
It wasn't mentioned at the time, but her final Queen's speech last Christmas sent out alarm bells
when we saw a diminished looking Queen who had lost weight and looked generally poorly.
And this probably had a lot to do with the ending of her 7 decade marriage to Prince Philip
who passed away that year. And she never really recovered from her loss.
Many have said that we often saw The Queen as though she was a member of our family.
She was there from our earliest days while growing up.
Naturally we had blanket tv coverage of the sad news last night and I chose to watch some
off it on ITV and Sky News who both had a positive and modern outlook on the news. But two
minutes of the BBC News was enough for me watching Huw Edwards and his
somber, unctuous and much rehearsed funereal piece to camera was all too much. It was
clear that at such a historical moment, the BBC were clearly trying to stamp down their mark
that they are still our National Broadcaster when many might now disagree with that assumption.
The Queen was our longest serving Monarch from 1952 to 2022 and she'll be sorely missed.
evening he will be making a National broadcast to the country. And as I write this,
Charles, the new King has just arrived at Buckingham Palace and is walking about among
the large crowds that have gathered at the front of the Palace.
It was also announced today that Saturday night's patriotic 'Last Night of the Proms' at
The Albert Hall tomorrow will now be cancelled in respect of The Queen's passing.
The Queen's passing. And it was the cover of The Daily Mirror that impressed
me the most. The image (at the top of this post) was by Patrick Litchfield. Although
the headlines on The Daily Express faced some criticism online this morning with their

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