Saturday, 16 July 2022


It looks like Britain is preparing for some extreme weather with Monday and Tuesday
expected to reach temperatures of 38c and 39c and possibly 40c. And if it does then
it will break all records. I believe the record was set in Cambridge at 38.7 Celsius
back in 2019 B.C ( before Covid ).
Already the Hospitals are preparing for extra admissions for the elderly and vulnerable. And
it is likely that there will be casualties.

And yet we still haven't embraced air conditioning in the home. And it's a bit late to
order one of those mini box air coolers that now seem so popular. But I wonder if they
actually work.

Of course with Monday fast approaching, the BBC has finally decided to put aside their
top story about the ragbag of  hopefuls chasing for the Tory Leadership. They do seem to revel
in any national domestic panic situation. And some are asking why the hot heat colour of orange on
their weather maps has suddenly changed in to a dark panic red colour.

Of course I'm not a fan of this kind of heat. It drains you and there's not very much you
can be getting on with. Which is why, like many, I've been getting up extra early these
recent mornings while it's cooler, so as to get on with chores and any online activity.
Perhaps later today will be my last trip out to the shops for a few days until the heat passes. 

Looking forward to next Wednesday when things cool down.

In the map image (below left) is a temperature prediction by the Met Office for
the year of 2050.

And in the below right image is the predictions for the up and coming weather for
Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th of July. So climate changes are moving forward faster
than we were expecting.

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