Monday, 16 September 2019

Late Summer in the Garden.

Above and below: Some rich pickings from our back garden this September.
(top picture... not quite a Dutch masterpiece, but nearly).
Above and below are just a few pictures of the work I've been carrying out
in our back garden over the last four weeks while my neighbours have
been away in Europe.
And as always there was lots to do and cut back after yet another year
of neglect.
The left side flank of the garden was especially overgrown with out of
control shrubs and trees reaching almost 10 feet high.
And the clear up has practically taken that side of the garden, back
by 10 years.

All the garden needs now is some rain as we've hardly had any this last 5 weeks.  

Above: A seedling from our Lilac tree had somehow seeded itself and
landed in a pot. So I put it in the ground. So it wont be long before we
have two Lilac trees in the garden.
Each Spring our main Lilac at 15 foot high, sprouts beautiful aromatic white
flowers. So I'll be keeping an eye on this new one from my top floor window.
Already it is 2 foot high.

Above: This is our rooted Christmas tree which I've been nurturing
in our front of house porch since last January. It was the tree I set up last
Christmas in our downstairs front hallway as you come into the house.
And although we're fairly close to Christmas, I just felt that it needed
to spread it's roots.
We will of course leave it permanently in the ground and see how it matures. 

Above and below are some Cooking Apples that grow in our
next door neighbour's garden. And each year they throw a few
our way.

Below:  Time to light up the garden at the end of each day.


  1. Nice posts Dee You have done a great job with your garden

  2. Thanks Pete, Yes it was a tough few weeks. So still a bit sore.
    Thanks for your e-mail.


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