Sunday, 20 February 2022

Another Fireplace Makeover

Well, with the Winter not quite yet over and with Spring around the corner,
I thought I'd have another fireplace makeover, the last one being in 2020 when
I went for a more opulent style. But digging up a picture from 2015 (very bottom image
below), I decided to revert back to that more homely inviting style.

So the brick wallpaper went back up again while the decorative plaster gargoyles and angels
came down. And it seems to work, as the fireplace has taken over as the focul point of the
room in the evenings as opposed to the tv, which I find can be distracting sometimes. And
when you've watched the evening News, there's not much else to draw you in, especially now
that any decent Comedy has been cancelled. But I did enjoy Rick Stein's excellent new
series this Winter, 'Rick Stein's Cornwall' where he showed us how to make a proper Cornish
Pasty as well as some Cheese Scones. And as well as visiting St Ives, Newquay and Penzance,
he also managed to squeeze in a day trip to The Isles of Scilly.

And so my Cornish Horse Brass Rings were given a good polish and placed back
on the fireplace.  

Above: The Fireplace in 2020 during another makeover.

Below center picture is the original fireplace, now concealed underneath the present
one which I built.

Below: 2015 and the style I've now reverted back to.

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